Wednesday, November 12, 2008

As a foreword...

I guess as with anything, you found this more by chance than by desire, just as anyone else. Consider this an introduction; a foreword if you will. I don't know if you know me, and honestly, I couldn't actually care less. The views expressed here are mine and mine alone. No one has influenced me any more than merely living. That being said, let me enlighten you to just exactly what I think.

I think that humanity is nothing more than a very adaptive virus. Humanity is a doomed race that will either end up killing itself or being killed by causes outside of its control. You might be asking yourself how I can possibly relate the "great" race known as humanity to something as destructive as a virus. It's easy... A virus is something that replicates itself in order to establish control, all the while killing whatever opposes it. Humans are the same way, but what Humans do that even a Virus wont, is when they have control, humans aren't satisfied. No. They can't leave it as it is and instead they kill each other over worthless commodities such as sex, drugs, money and even things more trivial.

I can't stand humanity. The lies, the pain, the suffering. I don't see the point and I dont really care. I've been through a lot. I've been attacked for no reason, I've had to live with the knowledge that someone very close to me was taken advantage of twice. Of knowing that the same person has done something with someone else, and even though I told them to do it to make things better, it still hurts me more than I care to describe. But it's fine by me because I can live with the pain, although I'd just as soon take death to leave this diseased world, but not in suicide, for thats even worse than humanity. However, please don't misconstrue me. I am very much aware of the fact that not all of humanity is bad. There are people out there who are very good and want nothing but to help others. But you know how it goes, if the majority is bad, all of them get the label. Whatever.


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